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Jul 18, 2024
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Philippine Secretary Of Defense Gilberto Teodoro Jr.: China's Actions In The South China Sea Are Dangerous And Reckless, Will Be Resisted By Our Armed Forces – We Will Defend Our Sovereignty

#11241 | 01:46
Source: Online Platforms - "INQUIRER.net "

On June 18, 2024, INQUIRER.net published a video report about Philippine Secretary of Defense Gilberto Teodoro Jr.'s comments on the tensions between China and the Philippines. According to the report, Teodoro condemned China's actions as "dangerous" and "reckless," promising that they will be resisted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). He said that the AFP will exert its utmost to defend Philippine sovereignty.

Reporter: "The Defense Secretary Gilverto Teodoro Jr. says the armed forces of the Philippines will resist China's Coast Guard's dangerous and reckless behavior off Ayungin Shoal. The China Coast Guard earlier claimed that its supposed solid warning against a Filipino resupply boat that entered the waters off Ayungin shoal was ignored, prompting them to take control measures, causing a collision between two vessels.

"In response, the AFP did not confirm nor deny that such an incident happened, saying they would not dignify what they branded as 'deceptive and misleading claims of China'. In a statement, Teodoro says 'China's dangerous and reckless behavior in the West Philippine Sea shall be resisted by the AFP." Teodoro adds that 'The government will fulfill its sworn mandate to protect the Philippines territorial integrity, sovereignty, and sovereign rights.'

"According to the Defense Chief, Beijing's actions prevent the attainment of 'peace and stability in the South China Sea'. The regular resupply mission in the BRP Sierra Madre grounded in Ayungin has become one of the flashpoints of tension in the West Philippine Sea, as Chinese vessels resorted to the usage of water cannons during previous missions, which even injured Philippine Navy personnel at one point. Beijing asserts sovereignty in almost the entire South China Sea, including the West Philippine Sea, even if such a claim has been effectively invalidated by a July 2016 international tribunal ruling from a case filed by Manilla in 2013."

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