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Sep 11, 2024
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Pro-Hamas Cartoon Urges West Bank Palestinians To Block Palestinian Authority Security Forces Efforts To Curtail Militant Activity, Threatens To Publicly Shame Security Force Members As 'Collaborators'

#11407 | 02:00
Source: Online Platforms - "CartoonPal on Telegram"

On September 11, 2024 a Hamas cartoon encouraging Palestinians in the West Bank to block the Palestinian Authority's security force's efforts to curtail militant activity was uploaded to CartoonPal on Telegram. The video suggested that residents who see PA security force members aiding Israeli military operation against militant groups in the West Bank can remove surveillance cameras and stage violent riots and confrontations with the security forces. The video encourages public shaming of security force members who engage in diffusing or reporting the location of explosive devices placed by militant groups.

Narrator: "When we see the Palestinian Authority security forces securing the occupation army's incursions into our cities, villages, and refugee camps and investing all its efforts in diffusing of explosive devices of the resistance – what should we think? What should we do? Let us see a number of steps we can take that will have a great impact in deterring the Palestinian Authority and dissuading it from such shameful conduct.

"The first step is removing external surveillance cameras from any area in which the resistance is active. By doing this, we undo the first measure that helps the Palestinian Authority in getting to the fighters or to the locations of the planted IEDs.

"The second step is turning any location where the Palestinian Authority security forces are trying to diffuse IEDs into a place of riots and confrontation with its members.

"The supporting public should take the initiative and chase away the members of the PA security forces, using whatever means at their disposal – rocks, sticks, Molotov cocktails, burning tires, and so on. Consequently, members of the [PA security] forces should think a thousand times before so much as thinking about diffusing any IED, anywhere.

"Any member of the [PA security] forces who is directly involved in diffusing IEDs – be it by reporting their location or by removing them – should be shamed by publishing his pictures online, and printing and putting them up on walls. They should be referred to as 'collaborator so and so.' In that case, he will know that he is going to be persecuted, he will be deterred, he will apologize, and he will deter his friends in the [PA security] forces as well. And you, oh heroic resistance fighters, continue. The entire people is with you, Allah willing."

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