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Aug 20, 2024
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Pro-Palestine Protesters In Chicago Burn U.S. Flag, Declare: This Is What We Think Of Your F***ing Rag! We Need To Draw Courage From The Palestinian Resistance Who Laid Down Their Lives For A Free Palestine

#11334 | 02:12
Source: Online Platforms - "Unicorn Riot on YouTube"

On August 20, 2024, Palestine supporters protested in front of the Israeli consulate in Chicago, on the second day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), where they burned American flags. As the flag was burning, a man wearing a balaclava shouted: "This is what we think of your [expletive] rag!" A woman, whose faces was covered by a keffiyeh stood on top of a combined Israeli and American flag and stated: "We need to draw courage from the Palestinian resistance who came together and laid down their lives for a free Palestine […] so let's go to those war criminals and make them [expletive] pay for their crimes against humanity! A masked man then poured lighter fluid on the flag and set it on fire, while it was burning, protesters added an American flag to the fire. The protest was streamed live by Unicorn Riot on YouTube, according to Unicorn Riot, organizations that participated in the protest included Behind Enemy Lines, Palestine Action US, and the Palestinian Prisoner Support Network Samidoun.

Protester: "We need to draw courage from the Palestinian resistance who have come together and laid down their lives for a free Palestine. After they have sacrificed everything, how dare we make excuses for not doing what needs to be done? Over 100,000 people are dead, and millions more lives are on the line, the stakes have never been higher, so let's go to those war criminals and make them f***ing pay for their crimes against humanity!"

Protester 2: "Free, free, free Palestine!

Crowd: "Free, free, free Palestine!

Protester 2: "F*** the pigs!"

Crowd: "F*** the pigs!"


Protester 2: "This is what we think of your f***ing rag! This is what we think of your f***ing rag! You are all responsible. The American flag is burned to char..."


Protester 2: "Shut down the DNC!"

Crowd: "Shut down the DNC!"

Protester 2: "Globalize the Intifada!"

Crowd: "Globalize the Intifada!"

Protester 2: "Intifada! Intifada!"

Crowd: "Intifada! Intifada!"

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