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Jul 10, 2016
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Senior Russian Ruling Party Politician Yarovaya Following NATO Summit: The U.S. Is Capable Only of Plundering and Lying

#5564 | 00:55

Irina Yarovaya, Chair of Duma's Security and Anti-Corruption Committee, said, following the Warsaw NATO summit, that the U.S. is an "aggressor state" and that "the only thing that the U.S. is capable of doing is to plunder, to lie, and to lead the international community to wantonness." Yarovaya was speaking on a Sunday evening flagship talk show on the Russia 1 federal TV channel on July 10, 2016.

Yarovaya: "We are always talking about the national interests of the US. But when we talk about national interests in general, from the perspective of the logic of international law and common sense, we assume that these interests should be subject to the principles of international law. However, when we look closely at US interests, we see that these are the interests of an aggressor state. They are the interests of an entity that dismisses the rights of other states and peoples. That's why I think... It's too bombastic to say that the US is capable of defending its interests. The only thing that the U.S. is capable of doing is to plunder, to lie, and to lead the international community to wantonness."

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