The following are excerpts from the Friday sermon in Gaze by Sheik Ibrahim Mudeiris that aired on Palestinian Authority TV on April 15, 2005
Mudeiris: Muslims prisoners are subject to force conversion to Christianity. They are forced to abandon their faith today, as in the past. Muslim prisoners are forced to curse Muhammad. They are forced to curse the religion of Allah. They are forced to curse God. Haven't you heard about our prisoners in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and throughout the world… They are oppressed and incarcerated, and then they are offered conversion to Christianity. This is an old-new policy of heresy. Abdallah bin Huzafa Al-Sahmi, categorically refused. The emperor said to him: "We will put you in boiling oil." He said: "I don't care." He was shown two Muslims who had been placed him in boiling oil until their flesh came off their bones. But the emperor's deeds were not as bad as those of his successors, who preach freedom and democracy in this era. By Allah, what this emperor did, when he put the Muslims in boiling oil, is a thousand times better than what their soldiers are doing today to our wives and daughters in Iraq, Palestine, Guantanamo, and Abu Ghureib.