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Jul 21, 2015
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Shiite Lebanese Politician Criticizes Nuclear Deal: Iran Will Create "Franchises" in the Region

#5021 | 01:07
Source: Future TV (Lebanon)

Following the signing of the nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1, Ahmad El Assaad, chairman of the Lebanese Option Party, said that Iran would try to establish "franchises," as it had done with its "spoilt brat" Hizbullah, in order to meddle in the Arab world and throughout the region.

Following is an excerpt from his statements, which were broadcast on Future News TV on July 21, 2015.

Ahmad El Assaad: Just imagine, the [Iranian] regime is about to receive 150 billion dollars, through the [nuclear] deal. This regime wants to give massive financial support to any regime or militia that is intrinsically linked to it, and first and foremost, to Hizbullah, which is the spoilt brat of the Iranian regime. Furthermore, this regime will try to establish "franchises," as it did with Hizbullah, and as we are seeing today with the Al-Sadr group in Iraq or the Houthis in Yemen, in order to meddle more and more in the Arab world, and later, throughout the entire region.


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