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Nov 30, 2022
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At UCLA Students For Justice In Palestine (SJP) Vigil Honoring Palestinian 'Martyrs,' Speaker Says: We Celebrate Courageous Martyrs Who Gave Lives For The Resistance, Condemn Depraved Zionist Regime (Archival)

#10403 | 03:27
Source: Online Platforms - "SJP at UCLA on Instagram"

On November 30, 2022, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) held a vigil at UCLA honoring Palestinian "martyrs", including Lions' Den founder Tamer Al-Kilani, Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade fighter Mahdi Hashah, and Lions' Den member Ahmed Shehada. One of the speakers said: "We celebrate the lives of the courageous martyrs, who have given their lives for the resistance." She said that the organizers of the event honor the vision of the "martyrs" for Palestinian liberation, and "do our best to act in accordance with their goals and their death mission of freedom from occupation." She said: "We hold the martyrs in the highest regard." The speaker also condemned the "depraved efforts of the Zionist regime to dissipate the moral of the mourners and supporters of the martyred fighters." The video of the vigil was posted on the Instagram account of SJP at UCLA.

Speaker: "Students for Justice in Palestine and other supporting orgs and individuals gathered to celebrate the lives of the courageous martyrs, who have given their lives for the resistance.

"As student organizers, we remain steadfast in our belief that every action we take, every event we hold, every strategy we execute is shaped by the sacrifice of the martyrs and is totally dedicated to them. We honor their vision for Palestinian liberation, and we do our best to act in accordance with their goals and their death mission of freedom from occupation.

"The organizers are understanding of our position of privilege and distance from the occupation, and therefore we hold the martyrs and their sacrifice of the highest regard. For this reason we also maintain that we are in no position to dictate the direction of the resistance, because doing so would compromise the integrity of the movement, and ultimate disrespect for those currently living under the devastating impositions.

"We recognize, given the interconnected nature of imperialist domination, that the martyrs are not only pioneers of the Palestinian resistance movement, but are contributing to a broader international peoples' struggle, and are acting in all of their capacity, to fully perpetuate the liberation of colonized people across the globe.

"Also, we remember that the lives lost in the movement are never in vain, because they remain symbols of hope, which brings us closer to liberation, and it is contributing to the struggle of utmost [inaudible]. We assert that the youth who give their lives no matter how depraved their conditions, are not the helpless victims of an agency-less history but are valiant fighters for defending themselves with commendable revolutionary spirit.

"We condemn the depraved efforts of the Zionist regime to dissipate the morale of the mourners and supporters of the martyred fighters. They will never crush our spirit."

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