On December 29, 2024, China unveiled its Type 076 amphibious assault ship, Sichuan, with its main construction finished. The vessel will soon enter the next phase of outfitting and calibration, according to CCTV Video News Agency (China) on X. According to the PLA-affiliated China Bugle, the ship has a full load displacement of more than 40,000 tons, is equipped with a double island superstructure and a full longitudinal flight deck, and innovatively applies electromagnetic catapult and arresting technology.
Onscreen text: "China's first domestically developed and built Type 076 amphibious assault ship, Sichuan, left the dockyard in Shanghai on December 29. Named after southwest China's Sichuan Province, the new vessel was put in the water at a launch and naming ceremony on December 27. It was given the hull number 51. The ship has a full-load displacement of over 40,000 tonnes and features a dual-island superstructure along with a full-length flight deck.
"It incorporates innovative electromagnetic catapult and arrestor technologies, enabling it to carry fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and amphibious equipment. Leaving the dockyard also means that the main construction of the ship has been completed, and it will now enter the next phase and outfitting and equipment commissioning."