A music video recently posted on the Internet presents a parody of French Zionist Jewry, with lyrics such as "I will wear a "Charlie [Hebdo]" badge" and "I won't do the boycott anymore." The video, which includes in its lyrics references to the Israeli settlements, the Charlie Hebdo attacks, and pro-Israeli French personalities, has been posted on the BDS website in Belgium and on other BDS-associated websites.
French band Karmel Japha: "I won't do the boycott anymore.
"Israel is my mascot.
"I will buy all the products, especially the ones from the settlements.
"I will listen to [French Jewish singer] Patrick Bruel,
"and I will advertise BHL.
"I won't speak of bombings anymore or of the torture of [Palestinian] children.
"Israel is the Chosen People.
"Even [Imam] Chalghoumi saw it.
"I will call all the anti-Zionists 'anti-Semites.'
"I don't know how to tell you the things I cannot write.
"I would have to invent words just for [French PM] Valls and [Paris Mayor] Hidalgo.
"Israel, I love you lots and lots.
"Israel, I love you lots and lots.
"I will wear a 'Charlie [Hebdo]' badge.
"I will march with Bibi.
"I will even get a tan in Tel Aviv this summer.
"I will say to the Muslims:
"You are all slackers, barbarians, and terrorists.
"Among us there are no extremists.
"I will get paid in shekels, just like Hollande and [French Israeli lawyer] Goldnadel.
"I don't know how to tell you the things I cannot write.
"I would have to invent words just for [French PM] Valls and [Paris Mayor] Hidalgo.
"Israel, I love you lots and lots.
"Israel, I love you lots and lots.
"I won't go on protests anymore, but only to [French-Jewish council] CRIF dinners.
"I will wage war on the [immigrant] riffraff, and I will live in [wealthy] Versailles.
"I will only buy from Teva.
"It's good for our little soldiers.
"I'll no longer say 'occupation,' and not even 'colonization.'
"I will vote for the state of emergency.
"I will request that all boycotters be stripped of their citizenship, along with their brothers and sisters.
"Israel, I love you lots and lots.
"Israel, I love you lots and lots.
"Israel, I love you lots and lots.
"Israel, I love you..."