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Feb 07, 2025
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Friday Sermon In Rasht, Iran By Rasoul Falahati: No Nation In The World Enjoys The Kind Of Independence And Freedom As The Iranian People; Sensible Americans Wish They Had Such Dignity And Independence

#11819 | 01:27
Source: Baran TV (Iran)

In his February 7, 2025 Friday sermon in Rasht, Iran, Khamenei’s representative in the Gilan Province, Rasoul Falahati said that “no nation in the world enjoys the kind of independence and freedom that the Iranian people have.” He added that “sensible Americans” wish they had some of the dignity and independence that the Iranian people enjoy. Falahati stated that with wolves there is no use talking with words, but the correct approach is to “stuff its mouth with bullets.” He criticized President Trump, claiming that he is sacrificing his people and pits Ukraine against Russia and Taiwan against China.

Rasoul Falahati: "The world today is ruled by brainless people.

"Trump talks about [renaming] the Gulf of Mexico. He is sacrificing his people. He pits Ukraine against Russia and Taiwan against China.


"Can we possibly use words while speaking with a wolf? You have to use bullets with a wolf – stuff its mouth with bullets.


"One of the great gifts of the Islamic Revolution to the Muslim Iranian people and to all the freedom-loving nations around the world was independence. These days, people lack such independence. Sensible Americans and other freedom-loving people wish they could have some of the dignity and independence of the Iranian people. They don't have it though. My brothers, I swear by Allah that no nation in the world enjoys the kind of independence and freedom that the Iranian people have."

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