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May 20, 2004
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Iranian Leader, Ali Khamenei, Speaks about the American Involvement in Iraq

#83 | 02:25
Source: IRIB/ Jaam-E-Jam2 TV (Iran)
May 20, 2004 Jaam-E-Jam2

On May 16, 2004, the leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, gave a speech about the situation in Iraq. The speech was broadcast four days later, on May 20, by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting's channel directed at the US, Jaam-E-Jam 2. Following is a verbatim translation of excerpts of Khamenei's speech:

Khamenei: I am sure that the Muslims – especially the Shi'ites – whether in Iran, the various cities in Iraq, or the rest of the world, will not sit quietly in face of the harassment and audacity of America.

Audience: Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Khamenei is the leader Death to the opposers of the rule of jurisprudent Death to America Death to England Death to the hypocrites (Mujaheedin-E Khalq) and Saddam Death to Israel

Khamenei: The Iraqi statesmen must know: The Iraqi people will hate any government established in Iraq that will be recognized as appointed by the Americans, just as the Americans are hated. The Americans' coming to Iraq was a mistake. Their staying was a mistake. Their behavior with the population was a mistake. Appointing an American governor for them was a mistake. Their movement towards Karbala and Najaf was a mistake. What they have recently caused is a mistake within a mistake. They must know that certainly, the Islamic world and chiefly the Shiite world will not stay silent in face of this.

Audience: Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Khamenei is the leader Death to the opposers of the rule of jurisprudent Death to America Death to England Death to the hypocrites (Mujaheedin-E Khalq) and Saddam Death to Israel

Khamenei: The crime they are committing is the greatest of crimes. This crime is despised by the world of Islam. Despised in the eyes of the people of Iran. Despised by all the Shiites in the world. Of course the Americans cannot continue this way. The longer they continue, the deeper in this swamp will they sink.

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