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May 27, 2008
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Lebanese Militia Affiliated with Hizbullah Blows Up a Model of Israeli Nuclear Plant

#1780 | 37
Source: OTV (Lebanon)

Following is an excerpt from a TV report on the blowing up of a model of the Israeli nuclear plant, which aired on OTV on May 27, 2008.

Reporter: As part of the celebration of the 8th anniversary of the Resistance and Liberation Day, the Lebanese Brigades for Resistance against the Occupation marked the event in Kfar Kila by blowing up a model of the Israeli Dimona nuclear plant, only meters away from the border fence. Many local residents and members of the resistance were present. The explosion was accompanied by sounds like the roar of airplanes, the explosion of missiles, and the shrill whistle of bullets, which created an atmosphere reminiscent of a battle.

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