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May 12, 2008
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Pro-Syrian Lebanese Druze Leader Wiam Wahhab Calls on Lebanese Army to Topple Lebanese Government

#1764 | 01:43
Source: Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

Following are excerpts from a speech delivered by pro-Syrian Lebanese Druze leader Wiam Wahhab, which aired on Al-Manar TV on May 12, 2008:

Wiam Wahhab: We welcome the Qatari foreign minister, at the head of the [Arab] delegation. We welcome all the ministers who are coming to study the situation firsthand, but we do not welcome, as part of the Arab delegation, that "Larsen of Arabia," who comes with them – Amr Musa, Secretary-General of the Arab League. This spy has not left a single stone unturned in his efforts in recent weeks to destroy the situation in Lebanon.


There is a rebellion in the governmental palace – a constitutional rebellion against the decisions of the army's commander-in-chief, who asked the government to withdraw the two decisions that led the country to this crisis. There is a rebellion by Fuad Siniora, who has refused so far to withdraw these two resolutions. In other words, there is a constitutional rebellion, a revolt against your authority as the commander-in-chief, and therefore, the army must intervene, take over the governmental palace, and drive out Fuad Siniora from the location of his rebellion against the constitution.


General [Suleiman], the people must exercise its authority, but this authority must first be restored to the people, so it can start exercising it. Now you have the honor of removing this rebellion. Today, you are the ruler in Lebanon, and the governmental palace poses a danger for the Lebanese. Let me say it clearly: You should march to the governmental palace.

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