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Dec 16, 2005
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Shiite Iraqi Imam Blasts 'Israel Controlled' Al-Jazeera TV for Insulting Ayatollah Al-Sistani

#973 | 02:10
Source: Al-Furat TV (Iraq)

Following are excerpts from an Iraqi Friday sermon by Sheik Jalal Al-Din Al-Saghir. The sermon was aired on Al-Furat TV on December 16, 2005.

Imam Jalal Al-Din Al-Saghir : It comes as no surprise to me that the "Saddam orphans," who have taken over Al-Jazeera TV, and that the money of the criminal Saddam, which nutures Al-Jazeera TV... It comes as no surprise to me that their vileness could reach such a low level.

It comes as no surprise to me that lunatics who used to live off the oil vouchers which they sucked from your blood and resources, could fall into the swamp of abomination to which Al-Jazeera TV fell.

It comes as no surprise to me that a TV channel known to be guided by the Mossad, and agencies whose purpose is to damage Arabs Islamic interest - Al-Jazeera TV... It comes as no surprise at all that it could stoop to such a level.

It comes as no surprise to me that the midget-state of Qatar, which is clearly supported by Israel - this gang that now sits on the (Qatari) throne...

It comes as no surprise to me that it could shoot arrows of hate at the Iraqi people on a daily basis, as well as arrows inciting to civil strife and terrorism.

This behavior of theirs comes as no surprise to me. But it does come as a bitter surprise to me that the Iraqi Foreign Ministry could stand idly by while such a crime takes place.


How many times has Al-Jazeera TV arrived at the scene of terrorist attacks even before the terrorists themselves? Their cameras were in place before the crimes were committed.

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